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My username and password is not working.

Solution Both your login & password are case SeNsiTiVe and should not contain any spaces on either side. If your username and or password is not working, please contact our billing provider, CC Bill, Inc.

You can reach them the following ways:
phone: 1.888.596.9279

Additionally, you may have logged in from too many IP addresses within a specific time frame. If you are password sharing or are giving out your membership information, your username will be suspended. If you feel that this is an error or that your information may have been stolen, please fill a ticket and we will change your information.

If you have just signed up and you cannot enter, please allow up to 15 minutes for the billing company CCBill to write your information to the file.

You may have downloaded too much material in a certain timeframe. You are allowed to download 5 gigabytes in a 12 hour period. If you exceeded that, then your account will be locked for 12 hours. Do not rush in downloading content, your account is good for 30 days. This helps to maintain good download speeds for the rest of the viewers and helps to prevent site ripping which is frowned upon. In the event that you are site ripping, your usename and IP address will be banned.
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Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Login / Password Problems
Date added: 2010-06-16 02:16:11
Views: 4079
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (177)

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